塑造您的圖標. 玩轉顏色,添加形狀,等等!調整和改變您的圖標,給它一個全新面貌。 檔案512x512 / PNG, SVG格式資訊; 作者資訊必需如何注明作者?插圖素材: Score icon. Thin linear score outline icon isolated on white background. Line vector score sign, symbol for web and mobile · 放大 · 下載 ...塑造您的圖標. 玩轉顏色,添加形狀,等等!調整和改變您的圖標,給它一個全新面貌。 檔案512x512 / PNG, SVG格式資訊; 作者資訊必需如何注明作者?在Adobe Stock 下載paper with exam score showing score is A learning icon, Outline symbol icon. Editable vector stroke. 素材庫向量圖,並探索類似的向量圖.Outline大綱. ❖Introduction引言. ❖Pig hoof evaluation豬腳蹄性狀評分 ... 1, total score was 100 points. ❖ overall views before scoring. ❖ 種豬腳蹄 ...Outline icon value, best score, high quality product, experience. Line sign human hands holding-hugging star symbol. Vector isolated pictograms for web on ...High-impact outline format. SCORE HIGHER ON THE USMLE STEP 1 WITH THIS SUPER-POTENT STUDY TOOL. This power-packed outline teaches you frequently tested ...A Comparison of the Glasgow Coma Scale Score with Full Outline of Unresponsiveness Scale to Predict Patients' Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes in Intensive Care ...總成績複查截止/Deadline for total score review. 預計甄試人數/Estimated ... plan additional quotas. 榜示/Admission announcement. 英文學系全英語學士班申請 ...This document includes tables outlining proficiency descriptors, Ribbon score levels, scale scores and how those scores map to Common European Framework of ...The TOEFL Primary® Speaking test is scored at ETS by ETS-trained human raters. TOEFL Primary Speaking levels are shown as Ribbons. Proficiency descriptors and next steps for learning are provided for each level. The descriptors and next steps are appropriate for typical students at that score but may not apply to all students. Student ability for each includes the skills from lower levels.
Scores are shown at the bottom of the score report and can help show student progress within a level. The score range is 0–27.
For more information, download Understanding Your TOEFL Primary Speaking Score Report (PDF) . This document includes tables outlining proficiency descriptors, Ribbon score levels, scale scores and how those scores map to Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) levels.This power-packed outline teaches you frequently tested diseases and syndromes on the USMLE Step 1-while sharpening your mastery of basic science concepts. You get everything you need for star performance on the USMLE Step 1, including:
Outline icon value, best score, high quality product, experience. Line sign human hands holding-hugging star symbol. Vector isolated pictograms for web on white background editable stroke.
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